Upgrade Portainer
How to step forward to the next version.
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When the yellow banner in the lower left corner showed up and reminds me to get the next upgrade, I searched the whole interface to find the update button … without any luck. That is the reason for this blog post, as upgrading is not strait forward. First lets check if there is a volume configured to make the configuration persistent.
Now we need an ssh session to control docker, because Portainer is also a container.
Lets look for a running instance:
docker container ls
Should output something like this:
The interesting part is the container name “adoring_hermann” in this case.
Now it is time to stop and delete this container:
docker stop adoring_hermann
docker rm adoring_hermann
This has no impact on all other running containers.
Now we can just rerun the command from the Portainer quick start guide:
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /opt/portainer:/data portainer/portainer
This creates a new Portainer Container with the old persistent configs.
Now just refresh the page and we are done.